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Use the gallery section (grid or carousel)
Use the gallery section (grid or carousel)
Stu avatar
Written by Stu
Updated over 4 months ago

How to use the gallery feature

If you're looking to showcase your products, services, or items in a visually appealing way, why not consider adding a photo gallery to your Durable site? It's a great way to catch visitors' attention and leave a lasting impression.

This section is added by default when you create a website; however, you can always add it to the site later.

Types of gallery

There are two options for your gallery view:

  • The CAROUSEL allows up to 12 images that scroll sideways.

  • The GRID option will showcase all 12 images at once.

How to add the gallery section

  1. Go to Website > Edit website.

  2. Click the "Add section +" button to add this section.

  3. ​Click "Image carousel" or "Image grid" from the section selector.

  4. Our website builder will generate the gallery with free stock images. You can customize the selection later.

  5. Click "Save" at the top bar when finished.

Customizing image carousel or grid

You may not be satisfied with the first try, or if you want to use your image, you can always edit the gallery.

  1. Click the "..." and "Edit" buttons on the gallery section.

  2. In the settings panel, add a heading if needed.

To add images to the section

  1. Click the "Add image +" button in the settings panel.

  2. Click "Upload a file" or "Generate" to let AI generate the image

  3. A popup window will show up. You can choose from Shutterstock, Unsplash, Upload your own image, or Library. Click the image you like or upload your own, and click "Insert."

  4. Click "Save" on the top bar.

Note: all images uploaded must be in either .JPG or .PNG format and up to 32MB.

To remove images:

  1. Click "..." and "Edit" on the gallery section.

  2. Click a trash can icon next to the image you want to delete.

  3. Click "Delete" in the popup menu.

  4. Click "Save" on the top bar.

To edit your gallery style

  1. Click the "..." and "Edit" buttons on the gallery section.

  2. Click "Style" in the settings panel.

  3. Scroll down to Type, and choose either Carousel or Grid.

    1. When choosing Carousel, select the Aspect ratio and Rounded corners for the images from the dropdown selector.

    2. When choosing Grid, turn on/off: Click for fullscreen, Remove gaps, and Full width, as well as Aspect ratio and Rounded corners.

  4. Click "Save" at the top bar when finished.

Bonus: When editing the gallery style, you can also add animations (e.g., Slide up, Zoom out, etc.) and choose spacing between the sections.

Customizing background color

To change the background color of this section, please see Change the color of a section for the detailed guide.

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