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Change styles on your site
Change styles on your site
Stu avatar
Written by Stu
Updated over 5 months ago

Change the spacing between sections:

To adjust the spacing between the sections, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Website > Edit website.

  2. Click "..." and "Edit section" on the section you want to adjust the spacing between.

  3. In the Style tab, choose the Top and bottom spacing from the dropdown menu in the Spacing section in the Settings panel.

  4. You can also choose the Min. height as Content or Screen.

  5. Click "Save" in the top bar.

When you choose Content (You will see the top and bottom sections on the screen):

When you choose Screen (You will not see the top and bottom sections on the screen):

Add Devider and/or Border

  1. Go to Website > Edit website.

  2. Click "..." and "Edit section" on the section you want to adjust the spacing between.

  3. In the Style tab, go to the Divider and Border section. Enable the toggle, and click "Change" to change the divider style and border style.

  4. Click "Save" in the top bar.

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